2  Research compendium

We created a publicly available research compendium called twdata. This research compendium is designed to facilitate reproducible research by organizing data, scripts, and outputs within a structured framework. By emulating the structure of an R package, the compendium combines the rigour of package development with the flexibility required for complex analytical workflows. This structure ensures transparency, reproducibility, and ease of navigation for researchers and collaborators. The compendium not only supports the organization and documentation of workflows but also allows the seamless integration of R tools and functions. Adopting an R package-like structure provides several advantages:

While not including the data directly, the research compendium contains all the resources making it possible to access and transform the raw data and prepare the threat layers for this project. It also contains the code creating figures, tables and this report. Only sensitive data for which confidentiality agreements have been signed remain inaccessible; still, these are stored on Google Cloud Storage in a secure bucket that can be accessed programmatically with an access key. This ensures that the whole project remains fully reproducible even if access to some data is limited.

2.1 Structure and Content

The research compendium is organized into the following components:

├── _targets/
├── data/
├── docs/
├── figures/
├── man/
├── pubs/
├── R/
├── workspace/
│   ├── bibliographies/
│   ├── config/
│   ├── credentials/
│   ├── data/
│   │   ├── harvested/
│   │   └── analyzed/
│   ├── pipelines/
│   │   ├── harvesting/
│   │   └── analytical/
│   └── script/
├── _targets.R
├── LICENSE.md
├── README.md
└── README.Rmd

Below is a description of each component of the research compendium.

2.1.1 Root-Level Files

  • _targets.R: The central configuration file for the targets R package, which manages and tracks the execution of analytical workflows. This file defines the targets (steps) in the analysis and their dependencies.
  • DESCRIPTION: Provides metadata about the compendium, including its title, version, author information, and dependencies. This file mirrors the DESCRIPTION file in R packages, enabling compatibility with R’s package ecosystem.
  • LICENSE.md: Contains the licensing terms under which the compendium is distributed, ensuring clarity regarding usage and redistribution rights.
  • NAMESPACE: Specifies the exported functions and imports from other packages, similar to an R package, to manage the scope and dependencies of functions within the compendium.
  • README.md and README.Rmd: Provide an overview of the project, its goals, and instructions for setup and use. The R Markdown file (README.Rmd) can be rendered to create the Markdown file (README.md).

2.1.2 Directories _targets/

This directory contains internal files used by the targets package to manage workflow execution. It tracks dependencies, outputs, and progress, ensuring reproducibility and enabling efficient re-execution of only the steps affected by changes. This folder is present once the _targets.R file has been run once. data/

This directory stores raw and cleaned data files that are essential to the analyses but not directly produced by the workflows. This allows the compendium to maintain a clear separation between input data and processed outputs. docs/

Documentation files for the project, such as user guides, vignettes, and any additional explanatory materials that provide context for the workflows and outputs. figures/

A repository for plots, charts, and visualizations generated by the analytical workflows. This directory helps centralize all visual outputs for reporting and publication. man/

Documentation for functions included in the compendium. This directory mirrors the man/ folder in R packages and contains .Rd files that describe each function’s purpose, usage, and arguments. pubs/

A location for storing draft manuscripts, reports, and other publications derived from the project. This ensures that research outputs are connected to their analytical source. R/

Contains R scripts defining functions and utilities used across the workflows. This is the primary location for reusable, well-documented R functions that are central to the analyses. workspace/

A comprehensive directory for project-specific resources and configurations. It is further divided into:

  • bibliographies/: Bibliographic files, such as .bib files, used for citations in reports and publications.
  • config/: Configuration files (e.g., YAML or JSON) that specify pipeline parameters and global settings for the analyses.
  • credentials/: Secure storage for authentication keys and other sensitive information required for accessing data sources.
  • data/: Organized into two subdirectories:
    • harvested/: Raw data files downloaded or collected through the harvesting pipelines.
    • analyzed/: Processed data files generated by the analytical pipelines.
  • pipelines/: Divided into:
    • harvesting/: YAML configurations and scripts for harvesting data from external sources.
    • analytical/: YAML configurations and scripts for performing analyses on harvested data.
  • script/: Scripts and functions used by the targets master workflow.