
Kevin Cazelles, David Beauchesne & Steve Vissault


inSileco & Habitat

Kevin Cazelles, David Beauchesne & Steve Vissault



Geospatial experience

  • Education (Elise Filotas)
  • Geospatial data manipulation & analyses
  • Geospatial data managemnent
    • STAC catalog, COG, parquet
  • Web interface & services (WMS, Shiny applications)
    • Optimized and secure cloud-based data access
    • Shiny application developement deployment
  • Cloud-based processes
    • Automated data harvesting
    • Analytical pipeline orchestration


  1. Consulting and Training: Providing clients with training sessions to enhance their understanding and capabilities on latest geospatial technologies such as Cloud Optimized Geotiff or PostGIS.

  2. Targeted Problem-Solving Support: On-demand assistance to address specific challenges during infrastructure and workflow setup

  3. Infrastructure and Workflow Setup: Hands-on assistance to develop infrastructure and workflows using for instance Apache airflow, dagster (Cloud framework) or target (R framework) on your own cloud infrastructure.

  4. End-to-End Infrastructure Implementation: Building and delivering a fully functional infrastructure with production-ready workflows on your own cloud infrastructure.

What are your needs?